My second birth experience
Hello hello. Okay how do people blog again? Today marked the 10th day of confinement.. And my fat ass can't wait to get out again to breathe outside air asapasap kereta and such. Since i don't really have anything to do (kain baju berbisikbisik) imma blog about my second birth experience and as well. This time my bbyboo save enough money for me to give birth to a private hosp and i'm eternally grateful for that uhukuhuk. It was a package deal, RM2500 for a normal delivery at KPJ Bandar Maharani. Normal price would be 5k and above so i guess i was lucky? I didn't know Muar punya harga could be so expensive. Well we only have 2 private hosp here. One called Tey maternity and it cost like 6k for a normal delivery. I know, insanely expensive kan for a small town like Muar. Shah Alam and Subang had cheaper hosp, the last time i checked Klinik An-Nur and Umra was the cheapest i could find. 2k plus minus maybe 3k camtu which is okayla kan. So to mah friend yang rama...