
My second birth experience

Hello hello. Okay how do people blog again? Today marked the 10th day of confinement.. And my fat ass can't wait to get out again to breathe outside air asapasap kereta and such. Since i don't really have anything to do (kain baju berbisikbisik) imma blog about my second birth experience and as well.  This time my bbyboo save enough money for me to give birth to a private hosp and i'm eternally grateful for that uhukuhuk. It was a package deal, RM2500 for a normal delivery at KPJ Bandar Maharani. Normal price would be 5k and above so i guess i was lucky? I didn't know Muar punya harga could be so expensive. Well we only have 2 private hosp here. One called Tey maternity and it cost like 6k for a normal delivery. I know, insanely expensive kan for a small town like Muar. Shah Alam and Subang had cheaper hosp, the last time i checked Klinik An-Nur and Umra was the cheapest i could find. 2k plus minus maybe 3k camtu which is okayla kan. So to mah friend yang rama...

Review: Freeman sleeping mask

I am super duper thankful to this amahhhzing sleeping mask. Thank you also cousin for introducing this thaaanggg. I wonder why it took so long for me to encounter this. I have a very dry skin. It gets worse when it starts flaking and menggelupas and pedih and all. Anyone who have the same type of skin as mine, lemme hug you cause i know how frustrating it is. Especially when you put on some make up. Peh the crack you can seeeee alamak. Ever since i started using this, i barely had none of that kind of episode. Not only it works tremendously, it smells so nice too. It’s a like a sleep therapy. 2 in 1 gurl. But but but, it does sting a bit, and I don’t really know why. I guess it’s because of when the skin is really dry and when you put on something cold to it, it becomes like that? Apparently that’s what i read somewhere. Like when you had a sunburn kan, you put on lotion ke apa mak nenek to it, it burrnsss aite. Or when you accidentally touch something hot and run it over ...

Review: Shade Dough By Hanis Zalikha

An honest, un-biased and NON-paid review of the lipstick product, Shade Dough by Hanis Zalikha.  I'm quite a fan of her (since inibelogsaya), so when i saw that she had a lipstick-line (those who knew me knows how much i adore lipsticks) i just had to buy, note that this is my first time buying a malaysia based product, it looks promising.. or is it? Hmm.  Price wise, it's okay. Within budget. It cost about RM63 on Zalora. It comes in a very cute box. The first time i've gotten this, the cap were not attached properly, it got torn off. So now the cap looks like an UHU glue cap. It looks kinda cheap to me lol. I bought two of these in the codes of Rose Taffy (the one i'm wearing in the pic) and Medium Rare.  I really super duperrrrr loveeeeeeeee the shade Rose Taffy. Pink pink manis gitu walau i tak manis gitu ahaks. Medium Rare is a darker shade of Rose Taffy and it's sligtly purple-ish. It's okay. My mom doesn't like it on me. I find it nice th...

The Power of Vaseline

Gurlllllll if you only knew the wonders of vaseline. This is my all time favourite product, nothing beats this. I can’t live without this. What’s so special about it? Gurlllll lemme tell you my secret to my “flawless” la sangat face. I’ve been using this to treat any sort of calamities on my face since forever and it work okay. Be it pimples, rashes, kudis kudat, sunburn, it will heal.  Trust me, it does. I can’t stress you enough. Back when i was in my confinement period, there was this thing called pilis where we spread it out on our forehead, i got a maaaaajooooor breakout sangat on myforehead. Like this one, picture’s not mine, i googled it. I had the same forehead back then. Menangis tahuuu. So then i decided to put vaseline and it only took about 6 days to COMPLETELY heal. Licin. So yeah. If you guys have any skin problem, you should try putting vaseline on it rigorously . No, it WON’T clog your pores as far as i know. Go check out their website if you’re no...

Universal Studios Singapore

On 6 April 2018, i went to one of the many most overrated place in the world, Universal Studios Singapore. I’ve always wanted to go there it was my dream (such a big dream kan), after Disneyland la. My husb promised to take me there before i’m pregnant which i’m not, okay, and he also promised me that he would be the one taking care of Aqib while i go and play. Aww. Surprisingly, Aqib was behaving rather well that day. Less cranky. I guess because of the mascots. Thank you mascots. Walaweh getting there and getting back was veryyy tiring, going through kastam and all that.  Yep everybody’s favourite place to take a photo So there were 6 of us. Me, husb, aqib, sarah, solehah (husb’s lil sis) and solehah’s “friend” (soon to be adik ipar jugak, eh tetiba) . We went there by bus. It was a package deal by OddsyTravel . Uss tic + transportation for RM240 adult and RM195 for the kid. Okay la en? Everything in there is so overpriced tercekik.  Those who knows me ca...

How my life changed: Aqib

Ayyoo, welcome to another episode of how my life changed. Aqib version. Honestly everything on the tv or on other media showing how miserable your life is with babies around is in fact.. A LIE. Please people everthing you see is just overreacting. It’s not so bad cause i know some people is somewhat scared of having a baby. Some ye some. All you need is a lil reading. I ain’t a pro when it comes to parenting trust me. There’s a lot of things i learned from babycenter lol. So if anyone having doubts, don’t be. Inn Shaa Allah, you can manage a baby. It ain’t so bad. Alhamdulillah, for now, managing Aqib is somewhat easy. Well yeah, there is time when things gets a lil bit chaotic but it hardly ever do. For the first month, it was a lil bit chaotic since duh, first time kan. Aqib had jaundice. And he wouldn’t sleep at night. I literally had no sleep at all until 11 morning. But trust me when i say this would only happen on the first month. Since the baby couldn’t really distinguish be...

My birth experience

Basically a timeline of what happened and how it started. My labour that is.. my due date was supposed to be on the 27th august but Aqib decided to come early. Eh tak sebenarnya ehe. Actually..  15 August 2017 It all started when i fell off a chair while trying to get up to wash my hand. Well of course la i was too fat, gravity was too much at that time so I couldn’t control my body. It was quite a fall and luckily I landed on my bum instead of my bump. Things would turn ugly if i were to land on my bump. Ish tamo imagine. So yeah i guess that was what started my labour. And yes yes, husband started panicking and no he couldn’t lift me up in a cinderella style cause of my weight *uglysob*  I felt pain in my tummy like period pain but it wasn’t that painful just a mini slight pain you know when you’re on your period. Like that la. I didn’t want to go to the hospital cause I didn’t felt any sharp or dangerous pain kan but my husband insisted so off we go to hospital...