My birth experience

Basically a timeline of what happened and how it started. My labour that is.. my due date was supposed to be on the 27th august but Aqib decided to come early. Eh tak sebenarnya ehe. Actually.. 

15 August 2017

It all started when i fell off a chair while trying to get up to wash my hand. Well of course la i was too fat, gravity was too much at that time so I couldn’t control my body. It was quite a fall and luckily I landed on my bum instead of my bump. Things would turn ugly if i were to land on my bump. Ish tamo imagine. So yeah i guess that was what started my labour. And yes yes, husband started panicking and no he couldn’t lift me up in a cinderella style cause of my weight *uglysob* 

I felt pain in my tummy like period pain but it wasn’t that painful just a mini slight pain you know when you’re on your period. Like that la. I didn’t want to go to the hospital cause I didn’t felt any sharp or dangerous pain kan but my husband insisted so off we go to hospital. Went into the labour department and got myself scanned and seluk-ed T.T. I didn’t like the seluk part, it didn’t hurt much. If i were to put it on a scale, i’d say like 4/10? Depends on the person who did it. 

And no, time ni all the malu dah hilang cause meh whatever. Hahaha. I was 1cm dilated and i’m like, weh serious i’m not ready wait i think i am okay la jom, eh wait no stop. So they monitored my contraction for awhile and so the period pain like i felt was actually the contraction but it wasn’t strong so they sent me home. 

I remembered all the doctor were all panicking cause Aqib was too active at that time so they thought he was in distress but he’s fine actually. 

17 August 2017

Jengjeng i felt a weird sensation, i think it was my contraction but tak sakit lagi time ni. It just feel like a sensation/pressure on my tummy. So i began my misson of telling everyone i’m going to give birth soon. Disini la bermulanya unwanted drama, apologising to my husband, parents and friends. Sobsob. Husband told me to go to the hospital again to get myself checked (how many cm dah dilated) i guess he was anxious, tak sabosabo ye. Yang nak beranak sakit ni saya hahahaha. 

At that time i was 2cm dilated and my contraction was strong and i was like “eh yeke, tak sakit pun”. At that time i mampu tersenyum lagi ehek. They asked whether i wanted to get myself warded or monitor at home. Weh who wants to sleep all alone kan i need my husband so i went home. My parents were already in Muar dah. Tak sabaq tengok cucuq.

18 August 2017

I didn’t get to sleep at all cause my contraction was soooooo uncomfortable. Tak sakit but uncomfortable. Sian husband pun takleh tidur i kaco hoho. At this time blood show dah banyak but my contraction tak sakit. I told my husband i wanted to take a stroll since it helps to fasten the labor huhu. So walk walk and walkkkkkk until my parents scolded me to go to the hospital since i’m bleeding so much, so yelayela jom.

Hooraayy, i was 4cm dilated and off we goooo to the labor rooom. Yaaay. HAHAHAAH EXCITED YE TUNGGU KAU. At about 9pm ish, the doctor broke my water. Oh here’s some tips, NEVER LET THE DOCTOR BREAKS YOUR WATER, let it breaks on its own. I told the doctor I wanted it to break naturally cause fyi, breaking your water is a natural induction. As you know, induction is WAY more painful. Since the contraction will come gedebuk sakit terus all at once instead of gradually slowslow sakit. So yeah.. merontaronta la saya dalam kesakitan.

The pain felt surreal wehhh. No wonder it’s the second most painful after death itself. It felt like your life is literally on the edge. Like hujung kepala, you can feel it. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry but heh being the crybaby that i am, i cried jugek. It was so painful at the point i wanted to die. Ishish. Luckily i have my husband by my side. He was a great support. Remember ya kids, please ask your husband to be with you. Habis zikir semua i can’t remember dah and my husband the one who guided me so yeah berzikir jela sepanjang masa. Ask Allah to ease it and to fasten it.

I don’t know why but my contraction was soooo close together. Other people said it would be like 10min apart but mine was like 1min apart T.T ye i checked ye anak anak ada jam kat situ and it was soooo intense. I was only 4cm dilated and my contraction felt so strong. The ctg scan showed my contraction was at 99% strong dah. Woi tu cam dah nak teran punya sakit je. I literally had no time to rest. Nak rest sekejap je datang balik. Habis husband kena gigit cause i tahan sakit. 

So at 10:30 ish i was ready to push. How do i know? Cam nak terberak kay. Sangat. So the pushing began. Ada scene gunting sikit aha but trust me you would not feel a thing, cause sakit contraction is a lot worse than that. I think it took me about 6push kot for aqib to get out lol. Cane nak push? Cam kau nak berak. Literally. Nak berak punya teran ye. Not pushing dada punya push. Literally berak punya push kay remember. Tu mama saya cakap la. And yes it’s true.

Alhamdulillah at 10:59 Aqib came. And all the pain instantly fades awayyyyy. Like all the pain i felt nak mati gone like pooofff gone habis. The doctor put Aqib on my chest and he smelled soooo gooooood at that time. It was such a precious moment, seeing your baby, i cried again uhuhuhuh. Like i have a son dah. This is my son world. Hey doctor, my son doctor look at my sonnnnnn *grosssobbing*


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