My second birth experience

Hello hello. Okay how do people blog again? Today marked the 10th day of confinement.. And my fat ass can't wait to get out again to breathe outside air asapasap kereta and such. Since i don't really have anything to do (kain baju berbisikbisik) imma blog about my second birth experience and as well. 

This time my bbyboo save enough money for me to give birth to a private hosp and i'm eternally grateful for that uhukuhuk. It was a package deal, RM2500 for a normal delivery at KPJ Bandar Maharani. Normal price would be 5k and above so i guess i was lucky? I didn't know Muar punya harga could be so expensive.

Well we only have 2 private hosp here. One called Tey maternity and it cost like 6k for a normal delivery. I know, insanely expensive kan for a small town like Muar. Shah Alam and Subang had cheaper hosp, the last time i checked Klinik An-Nur and Umra was the cheapest i could find. 2k plus minus maybe 3k camtu which is okayla kan. So to mah friend yang ramai tengah pregnant, go and check hehe.

9 January 2019

At this time around i was feeling a lil bit cramping but it was nothing serious. Period like cramping. It was my last check up that day before my suppose due date and coincidentally i was 3cm dilated. Camm ehhh. Yeay no induce induce. I guess i have to thank my son, he's probably the reason to this earlyness lol. The contraction was rather strong and the nurses was quite shocked cause i seem relax and happy and ceria gelak gelak and all that.

I can cause belum sampai sakit punya nak mati punya pain. Since it wasn't so strong i begged them not to have me warded since yala money la extra days kan pulak ke. Our house wasn't that far pun so ke rumah jela kita. My husband was so excited he kept asking the doctor bila boleh beranak like sekarang cannot ke cam eh i'm the one who's gonna get through the pain relax dulu.

Around 9pm that's when the pain got really really intense. At first i was like chill i got this and told my husband to sleep, we shall go and give birth tomorrow. I said naively ehek. Tak sampai 15 minutes like that my contraction was really hurting to the point i can barely walk and stand. Menggelabah la my husband. So off we go to KPJ menggelabah afraid that i might give birth in the car hahahaha

I got myself checked and turned out i was 6cm dilated. I thot i was at 8. Boohoo. My husband had it worst. Habis tangan dia saya cakar cubit gigit, i guess i wasn't the only one with cuts and bruises. Sorry bbyboo i didn't realize it hahahahaha. Thank you for understanding and being patient with me. But trust me girls, sakit sangat T^T

Just when i thot the pain couldn't get anymore intense, i got my water broken when i was 8cm dilated and THAT'S WHEN THE REAL STUFF THE REAL DEAL BEGAN. LIKE THAT'S THE PAIN YANG SAKIT GILA NAK MATI. The ring of fireeee.

Here's some lifesaver tips, NEVER EVER EVER I REPEAT EVER BREAK YOUR WATER EARLY. The first time i had my water broken at 4cm and trust me it was so intense and nak tunggu ke 10cm was dreadful. So this time it was when i was 8cm dilating so it wasn't a long process to get to the pushing phase. I kept begging my husband to request an epidural or a laughing gas to make it less painful.

I even asked the doctor to have me scissored. I'm glad they both didn't take me seriously lol and after like 30 minutes i finally safely gave birth to a healthy babygirl at 12.04am. She was soooo smol. *cries. Sure it hurts guise but remember that Allah is always here with us. Never ever stop thinking and berzikir to Allah and inn shaa Allah. He will ease it.

Giving birth to a private hospital is totally totally different from gov hosp. All the nurses were nice. They helped you with everything. Literally EVERYTHING. Tukar pad pun diaorang tukarkan and i was terpingapinga malu. Kpj also practices what they call it rakan bayi or something where the baby will stay with the mother 24 hours sama macam gov because they encourage breastfeeding kan so yeah.

They never say anything rude, there were no "buat anak reti, jaga anak tak reti" remarks lol they even teach you how to breastfeed your child, change and everything la kan. I really didn't expect to be treated like a queen and i don't want pun. It's just that you know, i want a stress free no rude remarks environment, and for my husband to be around 24/7 cause i'm clingy. ya get me kan.

So i suggest for a first timer mom yang bingung yang blurblur yang hati tisu yang mengada yang kena marah je menitis air mata macam saya, save money and go la give birth to a private. Worth every money.

Nah i selitkan some tips that maybe can be useful to you guise based on my experience.

1. Only go to the hospital when the contraction is really hurting and 5 minutes apart. Cause the first time i went when my contraction cam sakit semutsemut je huhu. Turned out i was only 4cm dilated and i got my water broken early. Yep not good.
2. Try not to cry as it can idk how la kan, slow the process?
3. Swing your hip if you want to lessen the pain. I really think it helped me. lie to your side. It doesn't really make the pain go away but it did lessen a bit la kot.
4. When the contraction came try not to tahan the pain sangat, cam muka cemikcemik tahan sakit no since dia boleh slow kan jugak the process. This was my mom's advice. Just breathe and embrace the pain T_T
5. Cane nak push?! Literally macam you nak poo poo. There's no specific push literally cam nak poopoo
6. Don't lift your bum during the pushing. Boleh terkoyaaaakk. No no no
I guess that's that. Good luck to my friends yang counting days je. Hohohohoho


  1. how did you get your water pecah? sbb banyak moving kee i scared

  2. how did you get your water pecah? sbb banyak moving kee i scared

    1. Some people terpecah sendiri. Some doktor pecahkan. Dia masukkan macam satu stick and then ploop pecah tak sakit pun. But after thaytttt ayoooooooo


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