The Power of Vaseline
Gurlllllll if you only knew the wonders of vaseline. This is my all time favourite product, nothing beats this. I can’t live without this. What’s so special about it? Gurlllll lemme tell you my secret to my “flawless” la sangat face. I’ve been using this to treat any sort of calamities on my face since forever and it work okay. Be it pimples, rashes, kudis kudat, sunburn, it will heal.
Trust me, it does. I can’t stress you enough. Back when i was in my confinement period, there was this thing called pilis where we spread it out on our forehead, i got a maaaaajooooor breakout sangat on myforehead.
Like this one, picture’s not mine, i googled it. I had the same forehead back then. Menangis tahuuu. So then i decided to put vaseline and it only took about 6 days to COMPLETELY heal. Licin. So yeah. If you guys have any skin problem, you should try putting vaseline on it rigorously . No, it WON’T clog your pores as far as i know. Go check out their website if you’re not so sure about the clogging pores or is it safe ke kan.
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