Review: Freeman sleeping mask

I am super duper thankful to this amahhhzing sleeping mask. Thank you also cousin for introducing this thaaanggg. I wonder why it took so long for me to encounter this. I have a very dry skin. It gets worse when it starts flaking and menggelupas and pedih and all. Anyone who have the same type of skin as mine, lemme hug you cause i know how frustrating it is. Especially when you put on some make up. Peh the crack you can seeeee alamak.

Ever since i started using this, i barely had none of that kind of episode. Not only it works tremendously, it smells so nice too. It’s a like a sleep therapy. 2 in 1 gurl. But but but, it does sting a bit, and I don’t really know why.

I guess it’s because of when the skin is really dry and when you put on something cold to it, it becomes like that? Apparently that’s what i read somewhere. Like when you had a sunburn kan, you put on lotion ke apa mak nenek to it, it burrnsss aite. Or when you accidentally touch something hot and run it over water, it burns jugak kan? So i guess the concept is like that kot.

So far it did not cause any harm to my face, insteaddddd it gives this super glowy look. I’ve never felt that kind of feelings on my face before. I promise you, you’re gonna wake up and feel like you have the face of those super duper good looking people with super duper good skin that you always stalk on instagram and wondered to yourself “bila la nak dapat skin cemtu”, and now you have it. Okay I over exaggerate it but it’s good.

This is a very perfect go to product if you have a date tomorrow and you wanna be looking like a flawless goddess.

The product doesn’t feel sticky like other moisturising product where you feel like you’ve put on a whole bucket of jelly onto you face. It abaorbs immediately. It doesn’t even leave a stain on your precious bantal busuk when you go to sleep and IT SMEELLLLLSSS NICE U GUISE. Lol. I keep it in a refrigerator to intensify how it feels on the skin. Sejuuukkkk nicenice.

Price wise, i guess it’s okay considering the size of the tube. It’s kinda big and i think it would last for more than 3 months? RM28 kira okay la kan. You can easily find this at Watson or Guardian. So yeah this is the best product ever. Bye.


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