How my life changed: Aqib

Ayyoo, welcome to another episode of how my life changed. Aqib version. Honestly everything on the tv or on other media showing how miserable your life is with babies around is in fact.. A LIE. Please people everthing you see is just overreacting. It’s not so bad cause i know some people is somewhat scared of having a baby. Some ye some.

All you need is a lil reading. I ain’t a pro when it comes to parenting trust me. There’s a lot of things i learned from babycenter lol. So if anyone having doubts, don’t be. Inn Shaa Allah, you can manage a baby. It ain’t so bad. Alhamdulillah, for now, managing Aqib is somewhat easy. Well yeah, there is time when things gets a lil bit chaotic but it hardly ever do.

For the first month, it was a lil bit chaotic since duh, first time kan. Aqib had jaundice. And he wouldn’t sleep at night. I literally had no sleep at all until 11 morning. But trust me when i say this would only happen on the first month. Since the baby couldn’t really distinguish between day and night yet. He would probably sleep through the night when he’s 2months old, with a goood bedtime routine. Alhamdulillah so far, i have no sleepless night dah. I would probably share it someday on tips how to get a baby to sleep through the night.

Aqib is a clingy boy lol. He can’t be put down for more than 10minutes. So yeah, i’m pretty occupied throughout the day with this boy around hahaha. Going to the mall is hmmm well ain’t easy with this one since Aqib doesn’t like to be in his stroller and i can’t carry him around all the time. Unless he’s with his father kan.

This is mainly becauseeeee of my hussbb la T.T manjakan aqib sangat. Yeah, my boy is pretty spoiled by his father. His dad likes to carry him around from birth till nowww. Solution? Buy a carrier. But it gets hard for me when i went shopping alone with Aqib. I normally ignores his cries and eventually he will sleep when he gave up. Harhar. But sometimes, he would cry endlessly. Well i dowan people be looking at me like i’m a bad mom. So sakit pinggangku anak. Hahhaha oh well

Other times, he’s behaving good and would sit on his stroller for 2 hours. Sometimes jela. But when this happens, tsktsk mommy so proud of you. And I KNEW THE BABY SPA IS NOT A WASTE. Lol the other day, we tried bringing him to a swimming pool, I didn’t know he would like it so much since the last day we brought him to the spa, he would cry in the water. But haritu cam ehhhhhhhhh sukanyaaaaa kau. I guess it’s because he’s grown up dah sobsob.

Anak mommy dah besaaq. Well that’s that. Having baby around in your life is really not so bad u guise. You still get to enjoy your life. Screw those who said ada anak leceh nak berjalan hehehe. You can actually.


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