Pregnancy journey summarised

1st trimester (0-3months)

One word. Dreadful. Morning sickness was dreadful. I got gastric and stuff aha. I couldn’t eat, go outside or even exist. All i did throughout the whole trimester was lying on my bed. Neither sleeping or awake. Hahahaha, it was kinda bad for me. I literally had to crawl to the toilet to puke. Pening kepalo tatau nak cakap aih. I couldn’t look or smell food, i would feel like throwing up which i did. Rice tasted so bad. Everything tasted so bad.

The second month of pregnancy, things got a lil bit bloody. I was bleeding, but very light bleeding. But it was enough to cause concern to my husb so i got myself checked. Good thing i got myself checked, cause things could be a lot worse if I didn’t. My uterus (?) wasn’t that strong so the doctor had to give me meds to make it stronger and for Aqib’s chances of surviving to increase. Luckily, things turned out okay.

It was my first scan ever, aqib was soooo tiny and had no figures.. but his heart was beatinggggg. It was the first time i heard my son’s heart. I cried.. cause i’m that emotional. Yeah overall, i was dreadful and I literally look like a zombie the whole time.

2nd trimester (4-6months)

Fuh as soon as i hit the second trimester, EVERYTHING turned out great. I had so much energy. But no, I didn’t get my pregnancy glow at all thourout the pregnancy i still look like a zombie kahkahakh. Food tasted like food again. This was the time when the cravings started kicking in. I didn’t know cravings were that intense. Or maybe i’m just too emotional kan. But yeah, the weirdest craving i had was when i REALLY really wanted to go watch a movie with my husb. I don’t really care what movie but i just wanted to watch something.

I remember when we couldn’t go, i cried cause i was that sad. So the next day, he took me and everything got better lol. I ALWAYS drank ribena, every single day. Cause i crave for ribena like everyday. So yeah it was so much fun, and i wanna thank my husb for successfully getting every single cravings that i had. Even if it doesn’t make sense. I remember having a craving for nasi lemak penang and we literally had to go to Penang. Nasi campur specifically in Seremban. Yeah he layan me no matter how nonsense it was.

This was also the first time i felt Aqib kicked. I remember getting scared cause yala there’s something in my tummy. It was weird the first time. For me la, I don’t know why i got scared. Am i a bad mom? T.T lol but then i love how he always kick. Cam whoa what are you doing in there son, somersault ke? Having my son in my tummy is the best feeling ever. I can’t describe how it feels but cam awwwwwwhhhhhhh *raindroptears*

3rd trimester (7-9months)

Well, things went back as to they were at the beginning. Minus the morning sickness. This was the time when all the crampings decided to.. well cramp? I had major backache. I couldn’t really get comfortable when i sleep cause of my big bump and how he alwaaayssss constantly moving. He even kick me when i turn a lil bit too much to the side. I guess it’s a way of him telling me that he’s not comfortable to be in that certain position. Cam yela. I’ll move for your sake.

At this time around, i was the size of a whaleeee. Like homaigod, i was sooo big. My weight was around 70kg i think. Harharhar. Cane nak kurus balik ni *grosssobbing*

I did my pelvic exercise every evening cause i wanna ace that labour like a champ. And went for a walk. I told my husb to bring me to the mall whenever i wanted to take a walk. You get to exercise, take a walk without feeling that tired like you normally would feel outside plus you’ll get to shop  stuff for the baby and husb pun tak panas teman isteri hiks. Altho duit jela melayang ahak. It’s a winwin situation. So yeah that’s the whole experience (mostly) of my pregnancy. It was really a great journey 


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